
Gresakm 05 Cerven 2024 11:10 115
Oyuncu - Gresakm


  • Added /lands unstuck command to teleport you out of the Land you are in
  • The /lands map command now opens an interactive map in the GUI instead of in chat
  • Added search function to /lands list and /nations list
  • Improved the roles menu in the lands menu
  • Added the ability to sell or rent an area to the Lands area menu
  • Fixed random teleportation where there was a higher chance of spawning at the word border
  • Fixed status in /settings for “Přijímat žádosti hráčů o obchodování”
  • Removed invalid option to hide enchantment labels in /settings
05 Cerven 2024 11:10
Abyste mohli odpovědět, musíte být přihlášeni.